Thursday - 01-03-12 - 30x30 Final outcomes

This year has seen myself as a design tutor take on a lot more and although I would be the first to admit that the pressure is intense and has at times become unbearable, it has also excelled myself and pushed my own design skill set and direction as the young designer I am. 30x30 is a personal self promotional project inspired by the works of Andy Gilmore. Each design has been inspired by an event taken place during my day, it has been a test of time, keeping to one design per day and attempting to not over complicate nor repeat any designs. I have had some great support through this project and will definitely be producing some more self driven graphic design work. There will be 30 copies of each design available if you would like to purchase any of the designs or if you would like to find out any more information about this project contact me via email.

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